PCSO Forms


For patients visiting Pain Care Specialists of Oregon for the first time, there are two different types of forms available:


 – If you have created an online profile using our Patient Portal please select This Packet to complete prior to your first visit.


  – If you have NOT created an online profile, please select This Packet and complete the forms prior to your first visit.


 – If you need to request your PCSO medical records be forwarded to another party, please complete this form and give it to                                                                                                 the PCSO receptionist or fax it to us at (503) 371-0805, Attention: Medical Records.


  – Using a pain diary can be a very useful tool for your medical provider to look at, so he/she can see any recurring pattern that                                                                                          may exist. The medical provider will be able to make an informed decision about medication changes, extra advice or support that                                                                                you may need either physically, emotionally, or psychologically and even evaluate any new problems that may be emerging.





Make an appointment and we’ll contact you.